Sonja’s Kitchen Collective Info

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Sonja’s Kitchen


A collective of inspired and experienced folk musicians who make every occasion a party!

Sonja is known from the Boghill Center in Ireland and is a gifted Irish fiddler, Vincent is known in the Irish folk world as a vituoso diatonic accordion and bodhrán player. Peter accompanies the tunes and songs with a solid foundation on the guitar. Jolanda, also known from Unicorn, has a beautiful, velvety voice and Pete complements the sound with rousing rhythms on bodhrán and percussion.

Irish and American folk of the highest order.

Sonja O’Brien ~ Fiddle

Piet Bezuijen ~ Percussion

Jolanda Traarbach ~ Vocals

Peter Oudendijk ~ Guitar

Vincent Pompe van Meerdervoort ~ Melodeon, Double bass